7 Easy and Delicious Japanese Tofu Dishes

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Tofu is a staple in Japanese cuisine. This versatile and nutritious ingredient is made from soybeans making it a totally plant-based complete protein. From savoury miso soup to crispy agedashi tofu, there are countless ways to enjoy tofu in traditional Japanese dishes. Here we’ll explore seven delicious tofu dishes that showcase the versatility and flavor of this beloved ingredient in Japanese cooking. Whether you’re a tofu lover or looking to incorporate more plant-based options into your diet, these mouthwatering recipes are sure to satisfy your cravings for authentic Japanese flavors.

7 Japanese tofu dishes images collage with text overlay

What is Tofu

Tofu is a plant-based protein made from soybeans and water. It has a very mild flavour and often comes in the form of either soft, silken, firm, or very firm blocks. The process of making tofu involves coagulating soy milk and then pressing the resulting curds into these blocks. It’s a versatile ingredient that can be used in a wide range of dishes, from stir-fries to desserts. Tofu is a popular meat alternative for many people who follow vegetarian or vegan diets. It’s especially prominent in Asian cuisine and has been consumed for centuries in Japan.

History of Tofu

Tofu has a long history in Japan. The origins of tofu itself, however, are a mystery but it is believed to have originated in China over 2000 years ago. Its exact introduction to Japan is also unclear but it is said to have been during the Nara period (the years 710-784) when Buddhism was brought to Japan. Buddhist monks who avoided meat and fish as part of their diet sought meat alternatives from plant-based foods. For this reason, tofu came to be a key ingredient used in temples to supplement the protein source and was a staple part of shōjin ryōri (vegetarian cuisine). 

During the Edo period (1603-1868), tofu gained popularity among commoners due to its affordability and nutritional value. Tofu was often consumed as a substitute for meat or as part of vegetarian dishes, making it an important source of protein for many people.

A book called ‘Tofu Hyakuchin’, which introduced 100 types of tofu dishes, was published during the Edo period in the year 1782 and was a big hit. A sequel was published the following year, followed by an appendix. In total, there are approximately 240 types of dishes introduced in the three books. That’s why tofu was a widely used ingredient during the Edo period.

Today, Japan is one of the world’s largest consumers of tofu, with various regional variations and specialty shops dedicated solely to producing high-quality tofu. The rich background of tofu in Japan highlights its importance as a food staple that is deeply ingrained in the country’s culture, history, and culinary traditions.

reference : http://www.tofu-as.com/tofu/history/20.html

Nutritional Benefits of Tofu

Tofu is a popular plant-based protein source that offers a variety of nutritional benefits. Here are some of the key nutritional benefits of tofu: 

1. High in Protein: Tofu is an excellent source of plant-based protein, making it a great option for vegetarians and vegans looking to meet their protein needs. A 100g (about 3 ounces) serving of tofu can contain around 8-10 grams of protein. 

2. Low in Calories: Tofu is relatively low in calories compared to other sources of protein like meat and cheese. This makes it a great option for those looking to maintain or lose weight while still getting essential nutrients. 

3. Rich in Essential Amino Acids: Tofu contains all nine essential amino acids that our bodies cannot produce on their own. These amino acids are crucial for building and repairing tissues in the body. 

4. Good Source of Iron and Calcium: Tofu is rich in iron, which helps transport oxygen throughout the body and plays a key role in energy production. It also contains calcium, which is important for bone health and muscle function. 

5. Contains Heart-Healthy Fats: Tofu is low in saturated fat and cholesterol, making it a heart-healthy alternative to animal-based proteins.

7 Delicious Japanese Tofu Recipes

Homemade Tofu – How to Make Tofu at Home

Making tofu at home isn’t as daunting as it seems. The ingredients are accessible and the method is easy to follow so you can have your own fresh, flavourful, and healthy homemade tofu!

a block of homemade tofu transferred into a bowl of cold water

Tofu Steak

Pan-fried tofu steak is a delicious and satisfying vegan dish. Simply grill extra-firm tofu and coat it in a combo of mirin and soy sauce for a slightly sweet flavour. You can even make your own homemade teriyaki sauce to use as a coating and turn it into teriyaki tofu steak. Serve with vegetables and rice and top the tofu with some sesame seeds and shichimi togarashi for a kick of spice. It’s so quick and simple to make but is so flavourful and filling!

two pieces of tofu steak on a plate with wilted green leaves

Agedashi Tofu

Agedashi tofu is a very popular Japanese dish and for good reason! Soft tofu is coated in potato starch (or cornstarch) then fried until it has a thin and crispy coating. The crispy tofu is then served in a savory dashi broth, making it the perfect combination of textures and flavors. It’s so simple and light yet incredibly delicious, making it a popular appetizer or side dish in many Japanese restaurants.

agedashi tofu served with shishito green peppers and grated ginger. sauce poured over

Hiyayakko Chilled Tofu

Hiyayakko is a traditional Japanese dish that consists of little chilled silken tofu cubes topped with various seasonings and garnishes. Since the cold tofu itself doesn’t have much flavour, we enhance it by adding things like green onions, spring onions, grated ginger, seaweed, shiso leaves, and soy sauce. It’s another simple dish but is so refreshing and is especially popular in Japan during the hot summer months when a light and cooling meal is desired.

hiyayakko chilled tofu is served with garnishes.

Shira-Ae Mashed Tofu Salad

Shira-ae is one of my favourite traditional Japanese tofu dishes. It’s a creamy and refreshing salad made with mashed tofu as its base. This light and healthy dish is typically loaded up with other ingredients like vegetables, konnyaku, and hijiki then seasoned for flavour. Just make sure to drain the excess moisture in the tofu as usual and prepare the salad right before serving so it doesn’t become soggy!

Shiraae mashed tofu salad served in a shallow bowl

Mitarashi Dango

Tofu isn’t only for savoury dishes, it can be used in sweets too! Mitarashi dango is a popular Japanese sweet treat made from skewered rice dumplings that are typically covered in a sweet and savory soy sauce glaze and lightly grilled for a toasty taste. Adding silken tofu to this snack makes it even softer and bouncier and adds protein!

3 mitarashi dango skewers on a plate with sauce drizzled

Iri Dofu Scrambled Tofu

Iri Dofu, also known as scrambled tofu, is a delicious and healthy dish. It’s made from soft tofu that has been crumbled and cooked in a dried shiitake mushroom stock so it’s full of umami flavour. It also has pieces of shiitake mushrooms, carrots, and other vegetables. You can eat it as a side or serve it with a bowl of plain white rice for a main dish. Whether enjoyed for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, Iri Dofu offers a delicious way to incorporate plant-based protein into your diet.

iridofu scrambled tofu is served in a bowl

Miso Soup

Miso soup with tofu is a traditional Japanese dish that is popular in many places, not only Japan. It’s delicious and comforting and so easy to make. This simple yet flavorful soup features a savory broth made from fermented soybean paste, known as miso. It’s filled with soft cubes of tofu as well as many other ingredient options so it’s versatile and easy to adapt. It can be eaten as an appetizer, side dish, or loaded up with different ingredients to become a hearty main dish.

tofu and wakame seaweeds miso soup served in a white small bowl

Japanese tofu dishes offer a versatile and nutritious option for those looking to incorporate more plant-based proteins into their diet. From savory stir-fries to delicate desserts, there is a tofu dish to suit every palate. With its mild flavor and ability to absorb the flavors of other ingredients, tofu serves as a blank canvas for creative culinary exploration. These 7 recipes are just a starting point for what tofu can do!

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