I Tried the World’s First Ice Cream Roulette Shop

1 day ago 6

As a part of Snack Shop series, Annie Arriaga investigates the latest and greatest viral snack shops in New York City to see if the hype is real, if the snacks are yummy, and if the spot is underrated, overrated, or perfectly rated.

You know that feeling when you’re overwhelmed at an ice cream shop because there’s 20 people behind you in line and what feels like hundreds of flavor and topping combinations staring back at you? If you’re ice cream indecisive—or you don’t mind people making decisions for you, which can be nice sometimes—Surprise Scoop in New York City is going to be your new favorite dessert spot. This self-proclaimed “ice cream roulette” shop opened in January 2025 with only one thing on the menu: a “surprise sundae” where the only opt outs are whipped cream, a cherry on top, and/or any berry flavors. After ordering, you wait for a few minutes before a pair of mysterious gloved hands serves you your sundae from a window.

When I saw that The Infatuation posted had been there, I knew I had to get in on the fun. Here’s my honest review!

The Snacks

For the sake of an honest review, I ordered two sundaes and waited patiently. The process of ordering at the virtual kiosk and waiting silently inside of the empty space was awkward. It felt strange and eerie, but I had to trust the process. When the little window opened, I was surprised to see the double scoop sundaes were served in little paper takeout boxes. Cute!

Sundae #1 Photo by Anna Arriaga

Sundae #1. First, I had a pink ice cream topped with whipped cream and what looked like caramel sauce. I assumed it was a strawberry flavor, but was immediately proven wrong after the first spoonful. Bubblegum ice cream has never been my favorite—and this flavor packed a punch, to say the least. Plus, the sauce was more of a butterscotch, which was a strange pairing with the synthetic taste of bubblegum. Not my favorite.

Sundae #2 Photo by Anna Arriaga

Sundae #2. My prediction for this sundae was a vanilla bean ice cream with chocolate sauce, because it was a simple white color, and I was really hoping for something to redeem the bubblegum. Thankfully, it ended up being toasted marshmallow and coconut. The ice cream itself was also creamier and fluffier than the first sundae. I liked this one a lot more, but I’m still not sure I would’ve ordered these flavor combinations if it was up to me.

From Our Shop

Final Rating

I went into this knowing that it’d be more of a fun, adventurous kind of experience rather than the usual ice cream shop visit, but I was really hoping to be more on board flavor-wise. The first sundae turned me off immediately, but the second slightly redeemed it. Either way, one double scoop sundae was a little bit more than $10, so for two little sundaes I paid well over $20—and I didn’t get to choose the flavors! All of that being said, I think Surprise Scoop is overrated. It’s fun and cute, but it’s more about the game of guessing the flavors than it is about the flavor and quality of the ice cream itself. Not my cup of tea!

If you’re reading this and you have a suggestion for a Snack Shop in the city that I must visit and (honestly) rate, leave a comment here or on our Snack Shop TikTok video. I love suggestions!

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